Ethiopia: Armed Attacks that Targeted Civilians in Different Parts of the Country including the Recent Incidents in Amhara Region- Oromia Special Zone and Western Oromia Require Urgent Neutral Investigation!
Ethiopia: Armed Attacks that Targeted Civilians in Different Parts of the Country including the Recent Incidents in Amhara Region- Oromia Special Zone and Western Oromia Require Urgent Neutral Investigation!
2013, 7th Anniversary of HRLHA Fundraising Event, Dr. Begna Dugassa, Board Vice Chairman
Speech by Mr. Robert Higgins, Board Member
Dr. Valerie Dye
Garoma Wakessa, Executive Director, HRLHA No1
Garoma Wakessa, Executive Director, HRLHA No2
Ethiopia: Media Being Decimated
Human Rights First
Human Rights misery in Ethiopia
2009 HRLHA Annual anniversary
Ambo Students Victimized by EPRDF 2014
HRLHA Fundraising Dinner
HRLHA Annual Meeting 2013
2013 UN Human Rights Council,HRLHA Side Event
HRLHA Annual Meeting
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